EQUI-VEST ® annuity forms

Not all options are available to all beneficiaries. Depending on your personal situation, these additional documents may be necessary:

Return all documents to:

Regular Mail

Equitable EQUI-VEST® Processing Office
PO Box 4956, MD 32-88
Syracuse, NY 13221

Express Mail

Equitable EQUI-VEST® Processing Office
Suite 1000
100 Madison St., MD 32-88
Syracuse, NY 13202


You may also request these forms be mailed to you by calling:

If you need assistance at any time, we recommend that you check with your Financial Professional or contact the customer service area applicable to your situation.

These forms are Portable Document Format (PDF) files. If your browser is not yet capable of reading PDF files, you can download the free Adobe® Acrobat Reader™ software at the following link: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html. Instructions for installation are also found at that location.

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