This article was co-authored by Dominik Feichtner. Dominik Feichtner is a Professional Dog Trainer and Behaviorist and the Owner of The Dog Behaviorist NYC out of New York, New York. With over eight years of experience working with dogs, Dominik specializes in general obedience, behavior modification, and puppy training. His commitment to a balanced, common-sense approach led to his recognition as one of the “Best Dog Trainers in Brooklyn” and one of the “Best Dog Trainers in NYC” by Pooch and Harmony in 2020.
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An electronic remote training collar is a device that applies electric current to a dog's neck to give them a signal. It is wireless, powered by batteries, and usually comes with a transmitter that sends a signal to the collar. This shock the collar applies is intended to give the dog a mild stimulus, similar to what you experience when you receive a static shock. When given while the dog is doing undesirable behaviors, the shock is meant to deter the activity in the future. Electronic remote training collars allow you to train your dog with positive punishment from a distance and give you the ability to train your dog even when it can't actually see or hear your commands.