30 Best Student Action Plan Examples

An action plan is basically a plan containing step-by-step actions for achieving a certain goal. These plans provide you with a visual overview of what you’re going to do. They are extremely useful for students.

Below we provide 30 excellent sample student action plan examples that you can use as templates for achieving various goals. Let’s dig right in!

1. Studying Student Action Plan

Studying Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Low gradesIncrease my grades. Try to get an A grade or an A+Action plan for student achievementGetting a higher grade than before. Getting an A grade
Actions Do homework every day

Takes notes in class

Create a daily study schedule

Ask teachers for help

Participate in class

Find a group of students to study with

2. Transfer Student Action Plan

Transfer Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to transfer to a new collegeSuccessfully enrolling in a new collegeGet the following done in a 1-2 week time frameEnroll in a new college by my chosen target date
Actions Look for a new college

Speak to my advisor

Visit chosen college, speak to admissions officer

Check which credits transfer

Get what I need for the application like transcripts, etc.

3. Study Abroad Student Action Plan

Study Abroad Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Wanting to study abroadSuccessfully enrolling in a college abroad and studying therePersonal action plan for studying abroadSuccessfully enrolling in a college abroad
Actions Draw up a budget for studying abroad

Decide where I want to study

Choose a study program

Book a study abroad program through my college

Confirm my place

Apply for a student visa if needed

Find student accommodation

4. Summer Job Student Action Plan

Summer Job Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to find a summer job so that I can earn moneySuccessfully finding a summer jobComplete the following steps before Summer beginsCompleting first day of work
Actions Contact temporary staffing agencies

Check job sites

Approach local business

Businesses aren’t looking for workers

5. Class Project Student Action Plan

Class Project Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to complete a class projectSuccessfully completing the class projectDo the followingGetting a good grade for the project
Actions Pick a topic to focus on

Complete the planning process

Decide what materials that I’ll need

Break up tasks and allocate time to them

Research the project

Write out the project

6. Grade Increase Student Action Plan

Grade Increase Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to improve my gradesGetting higher grades. Moving from a C to an A averageComplete the following activitiesAchieving a higher grade by one letter
Actions Create a space for studying

Research study techniques

Go over notes every night

Learn to relax during exams

Always do homework on time

Find a small group to study with

Talk to my teachers about grades

7. Social Life Improvement Student Action Plan

Social Life Improvement Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Not having friends, feeling lonelyMake at least one new friendSchool improvement plan for my social lifeMaking at least one new friend
Actions Join a club or team

Go to social events

Volunteer or get a job

Be more active on social media

Make small talk with strangers

Learn to listen

8. Spiritual Life Student Action Plan

Spiritual Life Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Wanting to become more faithfulMove closer to GodDo the followingFeeling closer to God
Actions Prioritize my relationship with Jesus Christ

Go to church once a week

Pray every night

Join Christian organizations on campus or school

Read Bible once a day

9. Mental Health Student Action Plan

Mental Health Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Poor mental health, problems with depression and anxietyFeel better and improve my mental healthStart doing the followingSeeing positive changes in my mental health
Actions Get enough sleep

Limit social media

Talk to people, connect with them

10. Physical Fitness and Diet Student Action Plan

Physical Fitness and Diet Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Being overweight and unfit. Feeling bad because of itLose weight 5lbs. Increase strength and fitnessComplete these necessary steps for my diet and exercise planGetting on the scale and seeing that I’ve lost 5lbs.
Actions Create exercise program

Make diet program

Quit eating junk food and overeating

Get enough sleep

Being too busy to exercise

11. Sports Achievement Student Action Plan

Sports Achievement Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Not achieving my sporting goals. Not making the football teamGet onto the football teamWork on the following action itemsGetting onto the team
Actions Train on my own time

Talk to the coach, ask what he’s looking for, or needs

Try out for team when it’s time

12. Extracurricular Activities Student Action Plan

Extracurricular Activities Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Not being able to get into the marching bandGet accepted into the bandStart doing the followingBecoming a member of the band
Actions Talk to band director about joining the band

Ask director what instruments they need

Make friends with band members

Start getting private music lessons

13. Earning Money Student Action Plan

Earning Money Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to earn moneyFind a job or way to make moneyExperiment with the following activitiesSuccessfully find a way to make money
Actions Get work at a restaurant or bar

Find something I can sell online

Try get a housesitting job

14. Family Connection Student Action Plan

Family Connection Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Having a bad relationship with familyDeveloping a better connection and relationship with familyDo the followingA deeper more fulfilling relationship with family members
Actions Set aside time for my family every day

Arrange a day out with family members

Check in with members who need support

Find activities we can do together

Call family member

15. Social Change Advocate Student Action Plan

Social Change Advocate Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Students who are being bulliedStop bullying in my high schoolEngage in the following activities at schoolNo more bullying in my school
Actions Talk about bullying with students, teachers, etc.

Teach students how to spot the signs of bullying

Increase bullying awareness among students

Speak privately with bullying victims

16. Leadership Student Action Plan

Leadership Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Right wrongs in my communityBecome a better leader and create change in my communityEngage in the following activitiesSuccessfully overcoming injustices in my community
Actions Establish goals for leadership

Become a better listener

Volunteer for community action projects

Create an email blast list for people in my community

17. College Students Entrance Exam Student Action Plan

College Entrance Exam Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to get into a good collegeSuccessfully getting into collegeComplete the following stepsAchieving my target scores on tests
Actions Choose either the ACT or SAT test

Start preparing 3-6 months ahead of time

Set targets for scores

Take practice tests

Get additional tutoring if I need it

Not studying hard enough

18. GED Exam Student Action Plan

GED Exam Student Action plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Having to take the GED examSuccessfully getting my GEDDo the following before writing examsGetting my GED certificate
Actions Choose a date to write exams

Focus on material I don’t understand

Develop a study schedule

Start studying early

Try to find tutors who can help me

19. Technical or Trade School Student Action Plan

Trade School Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to get into trade schoolGet accepted into a trade schoolComplete the following activitiesSuccessfully getting a trade school
Actions Find a trade school with the programs I need

Get my high school diploma

Complete my trade school application

Interview with the admissions representative

20. College Acceptance Student Action Plan

College Acceptance Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to apply for and get into collegeSuccessfully getting accepted into collegeComplete these specific actionsGetting accepted into college
Actions Take the ACT or SAT

Decide where I’m going to apply / visit colleges

Think about how I’m going to pay for college / find a scholarship

Submit my application

Get letters of recommendation

Write my college essay

21. College Financial Aid & Tuition Student Action Plan

College Financial Aid & Tuition Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing money for collegeGet financial aid and money for tuitionComplete the following stepsReceiving financial aid for college
Actions Get the documents I need

Complete FAFSA application

Talk to my college’s financial aid officer

Apply for PLUS loans and Grad PLUS loans

22. College Move Preparation Student Action Plan

College Move Preparation Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to move away to collegeSuccessfully move away to collegeComplete the followingSuccessfully move into a new place for college
Actions Come up with a monthly budget

Decide if I’ll stay in dorms or off-campus, and alone or with roommates

Talk to landlords / sign rental agreements

Set up utilities

Buy furniture / take furniture from home

Get things like utensils / plates, etc.

23. Career College Student Action Plan

Career College Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to find a job after collegeSuccessfully find a jobDo the following before graduatingSuccessfully finding a job before graduation
Actions Write my resume and tailor it for each job

Check job boards and newspapers

Talk to people who I went to college with / use my alumni network

Prepare for job interviews / do mock interviews

24. Career High School Action Plan (instead of vocational / technical school or college)

Career High School Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Needing to find a job after high schoolFind a jobComplete the following action stepsSuccessfully finding a job
Actions Try to find a place to work before the end of my school year

Apply for jobs where I don’t need a college degree or vocational school (e.g., fast food, retail)

Research interview techniques

Practice answering interview questions

Apply to and go to interviews

25. Gap Year Student Action Plan

Gap Year Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Wanting to take a gap year and finding something to doSuccessfully take a gap yearInvestigate the followingStarting my gap year
Actions Apply for internships

Look for volunteer abroad opportunities

Look for a job at a summer camp

26. Financial Management Student Action Plan

Financial Management Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Lack of money due to mismanagementManage my money betterDo the followingHaving more money, spending money better
Actions Prioritize money management

Set financial goals

Create a budget

Open up a savings account

27. Learn a New Language Student Action Plan

Learn a New Language Student Action Plan Problem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Wanting to learn a new languageSuccessfully learn a new languageDo the followingSpeaking fluently with a native speaker
Actions Choose a language to learn

Research the best learning resources and methods

Learn the grammar

Try to memorize 1-5 words or phrases per day

Watch TV shows, listen to music, read books in the language I’ve chosen

28. Reading More Student Action Plan

Reading More Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Not readingRead at least one book every 1-2 weeksImplement the following habitsAchieving my specific goal of reading one book every 2 weeks
Actions Read before I go to bed

Try to read for 15 minutes after I wake up

Read on the bus

Stop watching TV and read instead

Join a book club

29. Time Management Student Action Plan

Time Management Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Not having enough time. Managing my time badlyImprove time management skillsSample action plan for better time managementHaving more spare time. Completing projects on time
Actions Create a master schedule

Set high goals for each study session

Start working on projects before due dates

Make project plans

30. Rest and Relaxation Student Action Plan

Rest and Relaxation Student Action PlanProblem GoalAction Plan Evidence of Success
Feeling stressed out. Not being able to relaxTake time off to rest and recuperateDo the followingFeeling more relaxed. Sleeping better
Actions Start an exercise program

Meditate and do yoga

Practice deep breathing exercises

Find a hobby that is relaxing

Listen to music

Spend time with friends


These examples give you a template for developing your own action plans. You can then create a plan for your own goals. Doing this should make it easier to achieve your goals as well as give you a better idea of what has to be done.

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About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.